Nigerians Debate the Merits and Costs of Democracy

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As Nigeria commemorate its annual Democracy Day, citizens across the nation reflect on the country’s democratic journey since the return to civilian rule in 1999. Democracy, defined as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, is celebrated worldwide, with each democratic nation setting aside a specific day each year to honor this achievement.

In Nigeria, however, the benefits of democracy have been a topic of heated debate. Many Nigerians question what advantages democracy has brought to the country over the past two decades. Critics argue that the current democratic institutions are excessively costly and plagued by corruption, inflated egos, and the greed of political leaders.

Some voices have called for a return to a unitary system of government, suggesting that this might reduce the expenses associated with maintaining democratic institutions. One proposal gaining traction is the abolition of the two arms of the National Assembly—the Senate and the House of Representatives—to cut governance costs. Advocates for this change argue that, unlike a unitary system where powers are less concentrated at the center, devolving powers would ensure that each unit contributes a percentage of its revenue to the federal account.

The concentration of power at the center in Nigeria’s current democratic system has also drawn criticism. State governors are often described as emperors within their domains, wielding significant power and reducing state assembly members to mere subordinates. This centralization has led to the misappropriation of local government funds intended for development.

Nigeria, a nation of over 200 million people, is rich in mineral resources, diverse livestock, and vast arable land suitable for agriculture. Yet, the greed and corruption of a privileged few have caused significant harm. Funds earmarked for human capital and infrastructure development are frequently stolen or wasted on frivolous expenditures, leaving the tax-paying masses to bear the brunt of these actions.

As Nigeria marks another Democracy Day, the nation stands at a crossroads, with its citizens deeply divided over the path forward. The debate continues as Nigerians grapple with the challenges of governance and seek ways to ensure that democracy truly serves the people.

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Wed Jun 12 , 2024
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