146 Lives Lost in Road Accidents in Oyo State in the First Half of the Year

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The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) in Oyo State has revealed that a staggering 146 individuals lost their lives in various road traffic accidents in the state during the period from January to June. Mr. Joshua Adekanye, the state Sector Commander of the corps, shared this grim statistic with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday, shedding light on the troubling road safety situation in the region.

Additionally, Adekanye reported that a total of 618 people sustained injuries of varying degrees as a result of 246 road crashes recorded during the same six-month period. These incidents have sent shockwaves throughout Oyo State, prompting calls for enhanced road safety measures.

Breaking down the figures, Adekanye disclosed that 15 people lost their lives in January, another 15 in February, 23 in March, 24 in April, a startling 45 in May, and an additional 24 in June. Investigations into the causes of these accidents have uncovered various factors, including speeding, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and mechanical faults, among others.

In response to this alarming trend, the sector commander issued a stern warning to drivers, urging them to exercise caution and responsible behavior on the road. The FRSC has intensified its enforcement efforts and public awareness campaigns, extending their reach to motor parks, churches, and mosques.

“To reduce road traffic crashes, the corps, aside from enforcement, has strengthened its public enlightenment efforts in parks, mosques, and churches. We also seize every available opportunity to educate the general public on the factors that can lead to road crashes and how to avoid them,” Adekanye emphasized.

The FRSC has adopted a multifaceted approach to disseminating road safety information, utilizing radio, print, and social media platforms to convey important messages to the public. Collaborative efforts with traditional leaders have also been employed to reach communities and impart knowledge on accident prevention.

The corps has intensified its enforcement measures, deploying mobile courts for the swift arraignment and prosecution of traffic offenders. This approach is intended to send a strong message that reckless driving and other traffic violations will not be tolerated.

Adekanye also shed light on a concerning issue related to the absence of road signs on local roads, attributing this problem to scavengers who have been stealing signposts and plates. This situation poses a significant risk to both drivers and other road users. Adekanye assured the public that discussions were underway with the federal and state Ministries of Works to address this issue promptly and replace the missing road signs to enhance road safety in the region.

As Oyo State grapples with this alarming surge in road accidents, the FRSC continues to work tirelessly to ensure safer roads for all residents and travelers. Road safety remains a top priority, and concerted efforts are being made to educate, enforce, and protect lives on the state’s highways.

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