From a young age, I felt the soul-shaking influence of sisterhood and the stability this connection brings. Is there anything more powerful than an outstretched hand of another woman in your direction?
For me, it was and continues to be a lifeline, especially since I became a mother, supporting another woman has been a priority. Celebrating another woman’s triumphs or success will never take away from your shine or glory. If anything, it’ll add to it and create more light.
I’ve witnessed women chat and criticize each other behind their female counterparts. I’ve witnessed women call other women insulting names for making bold requests and standing firm in their convictions, yet think such behaviour to be typical in men. Supporting women to achieve positive outcomes is at the heart of the women’s movement.
I implore you, women, to never be fooled by outdated perceptions and to accept the reality that this digital age demands unity and togetherness. Let us be there for one another and assist one another to make the world a better place.