Mr Remi Afon,President of the Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN),recently, highlighted some counter measures that can be used to curb cybersecurity crisis in Nigeria and indeed Africa.
Afon mentioned specifically that there are user awareness strategies that organisations can actually use, such as training employees on how to identify phishing attempts and signs of BEC; testing the effectiveness of the training by performing social engineering tests on a regular basis.
Others mentioned are measuring results of the social engineering tests over time to both track improvement metrics and identify. He further stated that there are some technical controls like Sender Policy Framework, Domain Keys Identified Mail and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance.
He also said, there are technical control measures such as machine learning technology to protect the organization’s domain from being spoofed. Apply warnings to email messages originating from outside the organization, enable two-factor authentications for the organization’s email system to establish another layer of defense if login credentials are compromised; incorporate third-party tools and techniques to help users more easily identify and report phishing emails,”
In terms of administrative control, apply warnings to email messages originating from outside the organization and implement financial security controls and policy around the wiring of company funds, e.g., an employee must call to confirm changes to wire transfers.